General Anaesthetic
Our team at Absolutely Dental understand that your dental visit can cause high levels of anxiety, and for some patients, the very thought of undergoing dental treatment can feel overwhelming. Unfortunately, this fear prevents patients from attending the dentist to receive the treatment often required to improve their oral health. Sadly, the longer the patient delays receiving dental care, the greater the issues become to manage.
Dr. Yen is passionate about providing dental care that promotes optimal dental health, helping patients achieve beautiful and healthy smiles. For this reason, Absolutely Dental offers Sleep Dentistry procedures.
Sleep Dentistry, in the way of general anaesthetic, is performed by Dr Yen at the Mater Hospital under the specialist management of an Anaesthetist and their team of highly trained anaesthetic nurses.
The vast majority of patients who require general anaesthetic for their dental treatment include paediatrics, special needs (including those unable to physically or intellectually receive treatment in the chair), patients undergoing a significant level of treatment including multiple extractions, patients with limited mouth opening or severe gag reflexes, and dental phobics. Gone are the days you need to sit through a traumatising dental experience.
If you feel sleep dentistry may be ideal for you to get your dental health back on track, please call our helpful staff today to book a consultation with Dr Yen. At this consultation, Dr Yen will conduct a thorough examination (if possible) and discuss with you the various ways to manage your dental fears. Dr Yen will help you to decide which technique is most suited to your needs, with anxiety being managed with Dr Yen's gentle chair-side manner, oral sedation or general anaesthetics.
Although Dr Yen carries out her General Anaesthetics treatment at the Mater Hospital Day Surgery, you do not require private health to be suitable for this modality of care. Most patients are admitted as day-only patients and are typically discharged within 2 hours after their procedure. Our helpful staff will arrange a time for you to sit with our bookings team who will guide you through all the information you need to arrange your procedure.
Sleep dentistry offers patient benefits, such as:
- Avoiding psychological trauma for your child. If a significant level of treatment is required, sleep dentistry may be an ideal technique to prevent your child from developing dental anxiety in the first place.
- Avoids gag and lengthy periods holding mouth wide open, especially for patients with limited mouth opening or jaw dysfunction.
- Sleeping through. Patients sleep through their entire dental procedure, unaware of the sight, smell, and sounds, easing fear, anxiety, and avoiding the creation of traumatic memories and images.
- Comfort. Patients are able to avoid discomfort that is often associated with long and complex procedures.
- Time efficiency. Patients can often have all required dental treatment completed in one session rather than multiple visits to the dentist, meaning less down-time from work, school, and family duties.
- Safety comes first. Patients can be rest assured that their procedure is being managed with specialised equipment and staff at the Mater Hospital, enabling Dr Yen to focus on what she does best, providing optimal dental care to you.
- Absolutely Dental are one of the only dental practices in Townsville that has a dedicated date booked every month for General Anaesthetics treatment at the Mater Hospital - this is very hard to secure for other practices.
To book a General Anaesthetics consultation with Dr Yen, phone 4723 8100 or schedule an appointment online.
Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.